The first class is FREE and after that, all classes are £6 per session, pay as you go. Bookings are made using the online booking system, Gymcatch, or you can pay at the door.

If you'd like to join us, we offer 4 FitSteps® classes a week. They are held on/at the following:
Welwyn Civic Centre, Prospect Place, Welwyn AL6 9ER
9:15-10:15am FitSteps® Cardio
A fast-paced, cardio-flavoured class with dance style such as Jive, Quickstep, Samba, Salsa and more.
10:30-11:30am FitSteps®
A slightly slower pace with a good mix of Ballroom, Latin and dance with a prop.
Datchworth Village Hall, Knebworth SG3 6TL and online via Microsoft Teams
7:30-8:30pm FitSteps®
Smaller and more intimate class with high-energy tracks and more focus on technique.
NB: Every second Tuesday of the month, this class is available online only.
Whitehill Centre, Ottway Walk, Welwyn AL6 9AS
6:30-7:15pm FitSteps® TONE
FitSteps® with a looped resistance band focusing on improving posture, balance and functional movement whilst dancing to popular songs.
We run classes all year around, only breaking off for Christmas and New Year. When classes are cancelled due to holidays or illness, there won’t be a listing on Gymcatch. Any last-minute cancellations will be notified via email and WhatsApp.
10-Class Package for £54:
A package of ten classes for the price of nine is available on Gymcatch.
On-Demand Classes:
During Seeko’s holidays, you can purchase an on-demand class on Gymcatch, recorded in Seeko’s studio for you to enjoy at your leisure.